Friday, January 19, 2018

Illustration Friday

     Media is growing exponential as time passes with technology. This creates a problem for artists and designers. How is any image stand out in a sea of visual noise? One way to attract an audiences attention is with a focal point. In cases of a repetition in design, a focal point can be achieved by changing the proximity of an element in pattern or breaking the continuity altogether.
     Repetition is an exceptionally strong principle of design. Repetition creates a set of visual rules for the viewer to follow. When the rules are understood, they can then be broken for a dramatic effect. It is important to understand that these rules are as important as the are emphasized. If the rules are broken to quickly or subtly, then the effect will not be as significant. For a greater influence, the designer should establish rules consistent with the way they will be broken and how this ‘broken rule’ will guide the viewer.

Focal Point and Unity shown with proximity, continuity, and repetition.

     The planned arrangement of repetitive elements constructing 'Cylinders' visual pattern is offset by the right-to-center focal point, the rectangular shapes. This draws the audience in to closely scrutinize the work. There is enough agreement between the elements to bring unity to the composition. This agreement is reinforced by a continuity between the forms and make it easy for the eye to travel through the entire composition. Because the forms are simple, their proximity is kept tight to ensure not to loose the interest of the audience.

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